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why don't people vote?

Different states have collected data that sites different reasons for their population of eligible voters choosing not to vote. In California, the main reason, about 30% of voters, choose not to vote is lack of confidence in elections and policies. People simply do not think that their votes will matter in the long run. About 24% say that they don't have any interest in voting, and the final 17% site that they don't have the time to effectively vote. Out of every 10 people who can legally vote, only 4 will do so. Another reason that people have cited for

not voting is that the two party system doesn’t properly represent all of the general public in a good way, and many people cannot choose a party to vote for. People also may experience what is known as voting fatigue, which occurs when a person feels like there are way to many elections that occur every year, and cannot keep up with them. 

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