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where can i register to vote?

This is a link to register to vote in California online. 

You can get a paper application at your county elections office, any DMV, and many post offices, public libraries, and government offices.You can also get a application mailed to you by calling any of the county elections office at this  link or the Secretary of State‘s toll-free voter hotline

at (800)345-VOTE. If you are eligible to vote, but are in the military, living abroad, or temporarily living outside of California, fill out a registration application and request a special absentee ballot, which can be mailed, faxed or emailed to you. When you register to vote, you are actually not automatically registered. One you have submitted your information, you will still have to wait for you county officials to verify you to make sure that you are in fact able to vote. 

If you want to change political parties, you have to re-register to vote and county officials will contact you when you have been approved.

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